
Echoing Green Fellowship 2022 for emerging Social Entrepreneurs (80,000 USD stipend)

Echoing Green invests in Fellows to help build and shift power in their communities, drive inclusive and intersectional solutions forward, and fuel radical leaps of imagination that transform systems and power social movements. This document outlines criteria that Echoing Green uses to evaluate applicants to the Fellowship program.

The Echoing Green Fellowship supports leaders with bold ideas that will contribute to a world where race does not correlate with the systemic limitation or denial of opportunities, access to resources, or limits to the space to dream and build. Building a future free from racism, colorism, colonialism, white supremacy, and other oppressive systems requires collective action, working across issues and geographies, and learning across experiences. The Fellowship application prompts you to share how you will help counteract these forces and create a world where all people can thrive. Through clear and identifiable examples in your application responses, we want to understand how racial equity is core to your bold vision for change, from your organization’s operations to your intended impact.

As a social innovator, you are more than your business plan. We ask questions to learn about your leadership based on the following categories:

Leadership Qualities

Showcase your ability to drive ideas forward, build support for your vision, and lead an organization toward its goals. Strong application responses will include concrete examples that demonstrate each of the following:
● Your ability to build and manage an organization toward strategic goals
● Your skill at building coalitions or partnerships to further your mission or goals

● How you have gathered and mobilized resources or support toward a cause or mission

Eligibility Requirements

  • Will you be 18 years or older by the time you begin the Fellowship?
    • Echoing Green Fellowship applicants must be 18 years or older by February 28, 2022.
  • Are you able to communicate proficiently in English?
    • To be eligible for the Fellowship and fully participate in programming and support offerings, you must be able to communicate in English proficiently. Support throughout the Echoing Green Fellowship is offered in English.
  • Are you an original founder or a leading member of your proposed organization’s original founding team?
    • We use the term “original founder” to describe people who launched or are launching an organization that is their original idea. You cannot have assumed a leadership position within the organization after its founding. To be eligible, you must be a leader with decision-making power within the organization and be either 1) a sole founder or 2) a leading founder on a team of people who created the organization.
  • Are you the primary decision maker for your organization?
    • To be eligible for an Echoing Green Fellowship, applicants must be the primary decision maker and have the ultimate authority over your organization’s growth and strategic vision.
  • Will you be able to work full time on your proposed organization throughout the 18-month Fellowship?
    • If selected for an Echoing Green Fellowship, you may hold other professional responsibilities, but you must work full time, defined here as 40 hours a week, on the work outlined in your Fellowship application, and it must remain as your main professional priority.



Personalized Framework

A comprehensive program to build and grow leadership skills and develop the strategies needed for ideas to thrive.

Wellbeing Support

Ongoing support focusing on mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as self-care workshops designed specifically for the struggles of entrepreneurship.


Leader Support

A portfolio team facilitates the Fellow experience and connects these leaders to experts and opportunities according to their needs.

Seed Funding

A stipend over 18 months (80,000 USD). Funding offered to for-profit organizations is in the form of recoverable grants.


Retreats and Networking Events

Gatherings to connect Fellows across classes and cohorts, as well as with experienced business leaders, institutions, and investors committed to solving global issues.

Expert Partners

A suite of pro-bono support from leading professionals to build organizational capacity and help navigate the social entrepreneurship field.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Echoing Green Fellowship 2022