
International Breweries Nigeria Global Management Trainee Program 2023 for young Nigerian graduates

International Breweries can only grow at the pace of our talent. This program will prepare you for a fast-track career at AB InBev. It’s part of our drive to recruit, develop & retain people better than ourselves. The Global Management Trainee (GMT) Program fast-tracks the careers of the brightest, most driven graduates and nurtures their talent by giving relevant experiences right from the start.

Qualifications & experience:

  • By Program start, completed or in final year of a bachelor’s degree (STEM discipline preferred); and/or
  • Studying towards Post Grad (PGDip) Business Administration, Masters (or equivalent) degree will be advantageous
  • No more than 3 years TOTAL of full-time formal working experience by the Program start date. (Internship, vac work, short duration contracts and co-op experiences does not apply)
  • Legal work authorization (full citizenship) in the country for which application is being submitted
  • Completed National Youth Service (applicable to Nigeria citizens)
  • Proficiency in English
  • Full mobility. Go where the opportunity is. Mobility broadens potential opportunities – candidates should be open to working and living in various locations


GMTs should expect the following during their first 12 months:

  • 3–4-month rotations, with each experience aligned to our three strategic pillars.
  • Ideally in Marketing, Sales or Tech, and Supply / Logistics Projects within these rotations that expand knowledge and work on actual business challenges in each of these core functions.
  • Cheers! Festival (Global Induction) where GMTs will hear about our company strategy firsthand from our most senior leaders, and network with peers.
  • Access to global GMT alumni database.
  • Potential for experiences in different locations across zone (mobility within zone required)
  • Formal mentoring & access to unique zone L&D curricula
  • Unique exposure opportunities with senior leaders
  • Career tracking by zone People Continuity and Talent Management teams
  • Placement in a front-line position upon completion of the program (openness to ambiguous career track)

Application Deadline: Unspecified

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the International Breweries Nigeria Global Management Trainee Program 2023

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