
UN SDG Action Awards 2023 for young change agents worldwide

The UN SDG Action Awards is a signature programme of the UN SDG Action Campaign, seeking initiatives and individuals that mobilize, inspire and connect people to drive positive change. 

Apply with your initiatives


Initiatives that turn apathy into action by mobilizing hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of individuals to take action for the SDGs. We are seeking initiatives with high impact, typically involving collective and coordinated actions that mobilize people to Flip the Script and achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Initiatives that harness the power of creativity to inspire positive change and shift behaviour for the SDGs. We are seeking initiatives and inspirational campaigns that Flip the Script to shift individual behaviour and/or public policies.


Initiatives that turn division into unity by connecting diverse sectors and partners – from citizens to institutions – to accelerate progress on the SDGs. We are seeking initiatives that Flip the Script and connect people, organizations, and institutions to harness commitments and accountability towards the SDGs. 

Nominate outstanding individuals


Outstanding individuals who demonstrate that the power is in our hands to Flip the Script and enact transformative change. Their actions had an extraordinary impact towards the SDGs on the ground whilst empowering communities and creating a multiplying effect. 


All applications and nominations will be assessed on the following criteria:


What is the impact of the initiative? e.g. number of people impacted, mobilized, number of sectors involved, policies/legislation/budgets influenced, tangible shifts in behavior for the SDG.


How innovative is this initiative’s strategy? Is it a breakthrough idea? Is the initiative also engaging those left behind?


Does this initiative have the potential to be scaled up and/or be replicated in other contexts to accelerate the achievement of the Global Goals? Is there any evidence that scaling up or replication is already taking place?


To apply for the UN SDG Action Awards please prepare a response for each section of the application form. All sections and questions are mandatory, except for those marked as ‘optional’.

Only complete applications will be considered by the selection committee. Please note that the strongest entries will offer clear supporting evidence, such as photos and videos and endorsements from participants in your initiative

Application Deadline: April 30, 2023

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the UN SDG Action Awards 2023

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